Board of Certification

The ASCP Board of Certification is an administratively independent certification agency that prepares relevant standards and develops procedures that will assure the competence of medical laboratory personnel.

The ASCP Board of Certification certifies those individuals who meet the academic and clinical prerequisites and who achieve acceptable performance levels on examinations.


About the BOC
What We Do
BOC Structure

BOC Mission

The mission of the ASCP Board of Certification (BOC) is to provide excellence in certification of laboratory professionals on behalf of patients worldwide.

BOC Vision

The vision of the ASCP Board of Certification (BOC) is to be the gold standard in global certification for all laboratory professionals.

BOC Values and Commitments

BOC Core Values (CERTIS)

Competence - We seek to ensure public safety by providing a competent medical/clinical laboratory workforce.

Excellence - We strive to be the gold standard in credentialing services throughout the world.

Respect - We collaborate with our colleagues in many laboratory professions and value their diversity.

Trust - We expect our Board, committees, staff members and certificants to be honest and forthright in all processes, decisions, and actions.

Integrity - We comply with the best practices for credentialing organizations by meeting or exceeding industry standards.

Stewardship - We are dedicated to maintaining the security of the information entrusted to us and judiciously using our resources.

BOC Commitments

To fulfill the mission of the BOC, we are committed to:

Practice Analyses - Perform practice analyses every five years.

Exam Questions - Annually review questions for relevancy and validity.

Exam Database - Update the database of questions with new content to allow for industry/technology changes.

Exam Committees - Engage content experts who represent a broad spectrum of experience and geographical areas.

ANAB - Maintain ANAB accreditation.

Exam - Publish an exam from updated exam database within five years.

ANAB Accreditation

The ANSI (American National Standards Institute) National Accreditation Board (ANAB) awards accreditation to personnel certification agencies that meet the International ISO Standard 17024. The ASCP Board of Certification is the only medical laboratory certification agency awarded accreditation by ANAB.

History of the BOC

Learn about the history of the BOC.

90th Anniversary of the BOC

The ASCP Board of Certification celebrated their 90th anniversary in 2018 – 2019. Watch this video to see how the BOC has evolved and grown over the years, and see below for some highlights.

90th anniversary Video
Brief Overview of the ASCP Board of Certification
The Early Years: Recognition of Laboratory Technicians through ASCP
First Certifications, Machine Grading, and Career Recruitment (1930 – 1962)
New Certificates, Administrative Independence, and CAT (1963 – 1993)
Name Change, CMP, and International Expansion (1994 – 2018)
ASCP Board of Certification: A Guiding Light in Laboratory Medicine for 90 Years

More About the BOC

The Board of Certification (BOC) maintains a corporate relationship with ASCP for fiscal and operational purposes, but the BOC has autonomy in all governance and credentialing-related activities. The BOC manages conflict of interest and ensures impartiality by representative membership on its Board of Governors from other associations and societies. Please see Governance for more complete information.

The BOC is not a membership organization and successful credential maintenance (recertification) by the BOC does not grant or require membership in any professional organization. The Board of Certification does not discriminate as to age, gender, race, religion, national origin, disability, marital status, or sexual orientation.

BOC Professional Partners

The BOC brings together perspectives and expertise of laboratory professionals from many different organizations, institutions and geographic locations to address the certification needs of practitioners at all levels of practice.

The BOC understands the importance of impartiality in conducting certification and qualification activities. It manages conflict of interest and ensures objectivity by representative membership on its Board of Governors (BOG) from other associations and societies.

The BOC BOG is composed of representatives from many laboratory professional organizations including the three sponsoring organizations (AGT, ASCLS, and ASCP), six participating organizations (AABB, AAPA, ASC, ASM, and NSH), two collaborating partners (AACC and ASH) and one public member. The BOC BOG and its committees are composed primarily of laboratory professionals and truly represent the laboratory community.

Sponsoring Organizations

Participating Societies

Collaborating Societies

Other Related Groups

Accreditation Agencies

National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS)
NAACLS is a recognized agency for accreditation of the following programs:

  • Medical Laboratory Scientist
  • Medical Laboratory Technician
  • Histotechnician/Histotechnologist
  • Cytogenetics
  • Diagnostic Molecular Science (Technologist in Molecular Biology)
  • Pathologists’ Assistant

NAACLS also offers an approval process for the following programs:

  • Phlebotomy
  • Clinical Assistant (can sit for the Medical Laboratory Assistant exam)

Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP)
CAAHEP is the recognized agency for accreditation of the following programs:

  • Cytotechnologist
  • Specialist in Blood Banking

Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES)
ABHES is a recognized agency for accreditation of the following program:

  • Medical Laboratory Technician

The Role of the BOC

The BOC certifies individuals and does not accredit or approve education programs. This function belongs to specific accreditation agencies that evaluate clinical laboratory education programs.

The BOC does not accredit laboratories. This function belongs to agencies such as AABB, College of American Pathologists (CAP) or the Joint Commission.

ASCP BOC staff receive a high volume of documents and transcripts daily. All documents, including transcripts, are continuously processed as received. BOC staff will retrieve all transcripts within 10 business days. However, it may take up to 30 business days after retrieval for these documents (including transcripts) to be reviewed and processed. Do not submit duplicate documents or email before this time has elapsed.

Please note that ASCP Customer Relations will not be able to provide information regarding the status of submitted documents, including transcripts.

Contact the BOC

If you have questions regarding exam eligibility, application or credential maintenance please call the BOC Customer Relations Line.

Chat With Us

U.S. - (800) 267-2727
International - (312) 541-4886

Email -


Mailing Address

ASCP Board of Certification
33 West Monroe Street, Suite 1600
Chicago, IL 60603

ASCP Board of Certification Appeals Process

The Board of Certification has developed an appeals process to allow individuals to appeal in the following categories.

Categories of Appeals

Eligibility to Sit for an Examination
  1. BOC policy establishes the criteria for examination eligibility. These criteria are included in the Procedure for Examination and Certification booklet and on the web site. The staff determines which individuals do not meet the requirements and these individuals are notified of their deficiencies.
  2. The individual may respond to the notification in writing and request that his/her case be reviewed by the Certification Appeals Committee.
  3. None of the members of the Certification Appeals Committee shall be a member of the Examination Committee that established the eligibility requirements. A conflict of interest statement will be signed by the members.
  4. The appellant will be notified of the Certification Appeals Committee’s decision by the Executive Director of the BOC. If it is unfavorable, the appellant may appeal the Committee’s decision and request a hearing before the Board of Governors (BOG) Appeals Committee at the BOG’s next regularly scheduled meeting. The appellant may choose to waive his/her right to a hearing and appeal the Certification Appeals Committee’s decision directly to the BOG Appeals Committee in writing.
  5. The BOG Appeals Committee will review the appeal and the Committee’s decision is final.
Examination Content Irregularities
  1. Individuals who wish to contest what they perceive as examination content irregularities may file an appeal to the appropriate Examination Committee.
  2. The Examination Committee will review the appeal at its next scheduled meeting.
  3. The appellant will be notified of the Examination Committee's decision by the Executive Director of the BOC. If it is unfavorable, the appellant may appeal the Committee's decision and request a hearing before the Board of Governors Appeals Committee at the time of the Board of Governors’ next regularly scheduled meeting. The appellant may choose to waive his/her right to a hearing and appeal the Examination Committee's decision directly to the Board of Governors Appeals Committee in writing.
  4. The BOG Appeals Committee will review the appeal and the Committee’s decision is final.
Examination Administration Irregularities
  1. Individuals who wish to contest what they perceive as irregularities in the administration of the examination at the testing site may appeal to the Executive Committee of the Board of Governors.
  2. The Executive Committee will review the appeal.
  3. The appellant will be notified of the Executive Committee's decision by the Executive Director of the BOC. If it is unfavorable, the appellant may appeal the Committee's decision to the Board of Governors Appeals Committee at the time of the Board of Governors next regularly scheduled meeting. The appellant may choose to waive his/her right to a hearing and appeal the Executive Committee's decision directly to the Board of Governors Appeals Committee in writing.
  4. The BOG Appeals committee will review the appeal and the Committee’s decision is final.
Credential Maintenance Program (CMP) Deficiencies
  1. BOC policy establishes the requirements for completion of CMP. These requirements are included in the CMP booklet and are located on the web site. The staff audits a percentage of certificants and determines those individuals who do not meet the requirements. These individuals are notified of their deficiencies.
  2. The individual may respond to the notification in writing and request that his/her case be reviewed by the Certification Appeals Committee.
  3. None of the members shall be a member of the Credentials Maintenance Committee that established the requirements. A conflict of interest statement will be signed by the members.
  4. The appellant will be notified of the Certification Appeals Committee’s decision by the Executive Director of the BOC. If it is unfavorable, the appellant may appeal the Committee’s decision and request a hearing before the BOG Appeals Committee at the BOG’s next regularly scheduled meeting. The appellant may choose to waive his/her right to a hearing and appeal the Certification Appeals Committee’s decision directly to the BOG Appeals Committee in writing.
  5. The BOG Appeals Committee will review the appeal and the committee’s decision is final.
Formal Complaint Procedure

If you wish to file a formal complaint to the ASCP Board of Certification, please follow these steps:

  1. Submit your complaint in writing by email including a detailed description of the complaint, your full name and contact information, customer ID number (if applicable) and any supporting documentation regarding your complaint.
  2. Complaints should be directed to:
  3. Your formal complaint will be acknowledged upon receipt and further information may be requested.
  4. Upon completion of a detailed investigation, you will be notified of the final resolution of your complaint within 30 business days after the date all requested information has been received.

Potential Fraudulent Activity

In the event the Board of Certification receives evidence that an individual has committed a fraudulent activity as described in the following categories, the individual will be notified and further action will be taken as described below.

Review the Guidelines for Ethical Behavior for more information.

Categories of Fraudulent Activity

Allegations of Material Misrepresentations in Application
  1. The BOC office will inform the applicant of allegations of material misrepresentation on the application as well as all pertinent evidence.
  2. The individual may respond to these allegations, in writing, within thirty days following notification by the Executive Director of the BOC.
  3. The Board of Governors (BOG) Ethics Review Committee will review the allegations and the individual’s response and determine the appropriate course of action (including, but not limited to, invalidation of test scores, denial of admission to take additional Board exams, revocation of existing certification status, etc.)
  4. The individual will be notified of the BOG Ethics Review Committee’s decision by the Executive Director of the BOC. If it is unfavorable, the individual may appeal the Committee’s decision and request a hearing before the BOG Appeals Committee at the time of the BOGs next regularly scheduled meeting. The individual may choose to waive his/her right to a hearing and appeal the BOG Ethics Review Committee’s decision directly to the BOG Appeals Committee in writing.
  5. The BOG Appeals committee will review the appeal and the BOG Appeals Committee’s decision is final.
Allegations of Inappropriate Conduct During the Examination
  1. The BOC will inform the individual of allegations of inappropriate conduct during the examination (including, but not limited to, giving or obtaining unauthorized information or aid) as well as pertinent evidence.
  2. The individual may respond to these allegations, in writing, within thirty days following notification by the Executive Director of the BOC.
  3. The Board of Governors (BOG) Ethics Review Committee will review the allegations and the individual's response and determine the appropriate course of action (including but not limited to invalidation of test scores, denial of admission to take additional Board exams, revocation of existing certification status, etc.).
  4. The individual will be notified of the BOG Ethics Review Committee's decision by the Executive Director of the BOC. If it is unfavorable, the appellant may appeal the Committee's decision and request a hearing before the BOG Appeals Committee at the time of the BOGs next regularly scheduled meeting. The appellant may choose to waive his/her right to a hearing and appeal the Executive Committee's decision directly to the BOG Appeals Committee in writing.
  5. The BOG Appeals Committee will review the appeal and the Committee’s decision is final.
Allegations of Misrepresentation or Misuse of Certification Status
  1. The BOC will inform the individual of allegations of misrepresentation or misuse of his/her certification status including pertinent evidence.
  2. The individual may respond to these allegations, in writing, within thirty days following notification by the Executive Director of the BOC.
  3. The Board of Governors (BOG) Ethics Review Committee will review the charges and the individual's response and determine the appropriate course of action (including, but not limited to, revocation of existing certification status and denial of admission to take additional Board exams, etc.).
  4. The individual will be notified of the BOG Ethics Review Committee's decision by the Executive Director of the BOC. If it is unfavorable, the appellant may appeal the Committee's decision and request a hearing before the BOG Appeals Committee at the time of the BOGs next regularly scheduled meeting. The appellant may choose to waive his/her right to a hearing and appeal the BOG Ethics Review Committee's decision directly to the BOG Appeals Committee in writing.
  5. The BOG Appeals Committee will review the appeal and the BOG Appeals Committee’s decision is final.
Legal Action Taken Against a Certificant, Resulting in a Conviction that Violates the BOC Guidelines for Ethical Behavior for Certificants
  1. The BOC will inform the individual of the notification received regarding the conviction.
  2. The individual may respond to this notification, in writing, within thirty days following notification by the Executive Director of the BOC.
  3. The BOG Ethics Review Committee will review the charges and the individual’s response, and determine the appropriate course of action (including, but not limited to, revocation of existing certification status and denial of admission to take additional Board exams, etc.).
  4. The individual will be notified of the BOG Ethics Review Committee’s decision by the Executive Director of the BOC. If it is unfavorable, the appellant may appeal the Committee’s decision and request a hearing before the BOG Appeals Committee at the time of the BOGs next regularly scheduled meeting. The appellant may choose to waive his/her right to a hearing and appeal the BOG Ethics Review Committee’s decision directly to the BOG Appeals Committee in writing.
  5. The BOG Appeals Committee will review the appeal and the committee’s decision is final.
News and Reports

BOC Newsletters

The BOC Newsletter is published three times a year and contains important information regarding U.S. and International certification activities including eligibility requirement changes, information on credential maintenance, and updates from the Board of Governors.

Fall 2024 Newsletter
Summer 2024 Newsletter
Winter 2024 Newsletter
Fall 2023 Newsletter
Spring 2023 Newsletter
Winter 2023 Newsletter
Fall 2022 Newsletter
Spring 2022 Newsletter
December 2021 Newsletter
July 2021 Newsletter
March 2021 Newsletter


This electronic publication keeps Program Directors and educators current on BOC activities that affect programs and students.

Spring 2024
Winter 2023
Spring 2023

Transition of Existing Medical Technologist MT(ASCP) Credential To Medical Laboratory Scientist MLS(ASCP)

The ASCP Board of Certification (BOC) Board of Governors (BOG) created a Nomenclature Taskforce in November of 2021 to make recommendations for gaining acceptance and adoption of a unified title of Medical Laboratory Scientist (MLS).

This group was formed after the ASCP BOC and American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (ASCLS) published the position paper Standardizing the Professional Title of Medical Laboratory Professionals: A Position Paper of American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (ASCLS) and the American Society for Clinical Pathology Board of Certification (ASCP BOC).

The Nomenclature Taskforce and the BOC BOG agreed that one goal critical to standardization is to transition the BOC credentials, Medical Technologist, MT(ASCP)/MT(ASCPi) to Medical Laboratory Scientist, MLS(ASCP)/MLS(ASCPi).

This means that anyone with an MT(ASCP) or MT(ASCPi) credential will be transitioned to MLS(ASCP) or MLS(ASCPi) by the end of 2022. These credentials are equivalent.

When will my MT(ASCP) credential transition to MLS(ASCP)?
You may begin using the MLS(ASCP) or MLS(ASCPi) credential immediately. However, formal verification of your ASCP certification will continue to show MT(ASCP) or MT(ASCPi) certification until the transition process is completed.

When will the process be completed?
The process is expected to be completed by the end of 2022.

Will I be sent a new wall certificate that indicates MLS(ASCP)?
No, new wall certificates will not be sent. If, after the credential transition, you wish to order a new certificate, you may do so after the transition is complete.

Will I be required to do CMP?
No, CMP will continue to be voluntary for those ASCP certified prior to 2004.

Transition of Existing Molecular Pathology MP(ASCP) credential to Molecular Biology MB(ASCP)

The Technologist in Molecular Pathology, MP(ASCP) credential will be transitioned to Technologist in Molecular Biology, MB(ASCP) by the end of 2022. These credentials are equivalent.

Cytologist/Cytology Adopted as New Certifying Terminology

In October 2021, the ASCP BOG voted to approve the renaming of the CT/SCT credential titles. Cytotechnologist has been changed to “Cytologist” and Specialist in Cytotechnology has been changed to “Specialist in Cytology”.

In addition the International Technologist in Gynecologic Cytology credential title, has been renamed “International Gynecologic Cytologist.”

This transition was finalized in early 2022 and is a title change only, the requirements for CT/SCT/CTgyn certification/recertification and credentials remain the same.

BOC Distinguished Service Award

The DSA is presented to volunteers who have served the BOC for a minimum of six years and made significant contributions involving extra time and effort toward the BOC mission to provide excellence in certification of laboratory professionals on behalf of patients worldwide.

2022 DSA Recipients

  • Laura Bilodeau, MD, FASCP was recognized for her service on the Board of Governors from 2012–2021.
  • Kathleen Finnegan, MS, MLS(ASCP)SHCM was recognized for her service on the Board of Governors from 2012–2021.

2021 DSA Recipients

  • Amy Groszbach, MEd, MLT(ASCP)MBCM was recognized for her service on the Board of Governors from 2011–2020.
  • Susan Harrington, PhD, D(ABMM), MLS(ASCP)CM was recognized for her service on the Board of Governors from 2010–2020. She served as the Chair of the BOG from 2017–2019.
  • Lena Spencer, HTL(ASCP)QIHCCM was posthumously recognized for her service on the Board of Governors from 2011–2020.
  • Terry Taff, MA, MLS(ASCP)SMCM was recognized for her service on the Microbiology Examination Committee from 2013–2020.

2020 DSA Recipients

  • Patty Eschliman, MHA, MLS(ASCP)CMDLMCM
  • Lee Hilborne, MD, MPH, FASCP, DLM(ASCP)CM

2019 DSA Recipients

  • Scott E. Aikey, MLS(ASCP)CMDLMCM
  • Susan Beck, PhD, MLS(ASCP)CM
  • Kathleen Hansen, MLS(ASCP)CM
  • Sui Zee, MD, FASCP

BOC Board of Governors Service Award

The BOC Board of Governors Service Award is given to volunteers that have made noteworthy contributions during their tenure as a committee or Board member.

2022 BOGSA Recipients

  • Michael Berry, SCT(ASCP)CMMBCM was recognized for his service on the Cytology Examination Committee from 2014–2021.
  • Malinda Browning, MPH, MLS(ASCP)CM was recognized for her service on the Hematology Examination Committee from 2014–2021.
  • Ann Crowley, MB(ASCP)CM was recognized for her service on the Molecular Biology Examination Committee from 2013–2021.
  • Susan Higgins, MS, MLS(ASCP)SC was recognized for her service on the Medical Laboratory Assistant Examination Committee from 2014–2021.
  • Stacey Robinson, MS, MLS(ASCP)CMSHCM,SCYMCM was recognized for her service on the Hematology Examination Committee from 2014–2021.

2021 BOGSA Recipient

Deanna Iverson, MHS, MLT(ASCP)SCTCM HTL was recognized for her service on the Board of Governors from 2009 – 2020.

2020 BOGSA Recipients

  • Michael Bowling, MLS(ASCP)CMSHCM
  • David Chhieng, MD, FASCP
  • Ericka Hendrix, PhD, MB(ASCP)CM
  • Michelle Nelsen, MS, HTL(ASCP)CM
  • Liz Sharratt, PA(ASCP)CM

2019 BOGSA Recipients

  • Denise Anamani, MA, I(ASCP)MBCM
  • Virginia Reyes, MEd, MLS(ASCP)SBBCM
  • Lori Schmitt, HT(ASCP)QIHCCM
  • Jason Yuhas, CG(ASCP)CM

One Name for the Profession

It is said that the laboratory profession is suffering from an identity crisis. Very few people have knowledge about the education and training required to be a laboratory professional. The BOC is committed to creating an awareness of the profession and to tackle issues related to professional nomenclature, beginning with Medical Laboratory Scientist (MLS).

What’s in a name?

Everything important to our profession -- professional identity, as well as recognition from the healthcare team, administration, government agencies, and the public. The lack of understanding affects recruitment and retention in the profession. It is time we move to one name -- Medical Laboratory Scientist.

Join the BOC and our professional partners’ by taking the pledge!


Take the Pledge

Additional nomenclature resources

Right click to save image to save to your computer.
Images cannot be altered.

BOC-About-MLS-Logos  . jpeg

Our Services

Certification and Qualification

BOC certifications and qualifications are offered in a number of disciplines and technical areas. Individuals who sit for either a certification or qualification examination are required to meet specific academic and clinical requirements and achieve a predetermined competence level. All BOC examinations are criterion referenced.

BOC Credential Acceptance

The BOC credential is accepted for licensure, provided the individual meets all other licensure requirements. Requirements for licensure are established by each licensure state and must be met in order to become licensed in that state. Successful certification by the BOC does not automatically grant an individual a state license.

Certification vs. ASCP Membership

The ASCP Board of Certification (BOC) is separate and apart from ASCP membership and ASCP membership benefits (continuing education [CE], CMP waivers, etc.). Membership with ASCP, or any other professional organization, is voluntary and not required to become or maintain ASCP BOC certification.

U. S. Certifications

  • Technician Certifications - HT, MLA, MLT, PBT
  • Technologist/Scientist Certifications - BB, C, CG, CT, H, HTL, M, MB, MLS
  • Specialist Certifications - SBB, SC, SCT, SCYM, SH, SM, SMB
  • Additional Certifications - DLM, DMLI, PA

International Certifications

  • Technician Certifications - HT, MLT, PBT
  • Technologist/Scientist Certifications - BB, C, CG, CLM, CT, CTgyn, H, HTL, M, MB, MLS
  • Specialist Certifications - SBB, SC, SCT, SCYM, SH, SM, SMB


Qualifications – QBRS, QDP, QIA, QIHC, QLS

To find out more about specific requirements for examination eligibility, click on the button below and select the appropriate examination.

Go to Get Credentialed

State Licensure

Many ASCP BOC certification examinations have been approved for licensure purposes by the states of New York and California. Make sure to read the state specific requirements as well as those of the ASCP BOC to determine if you will need to apply for certification and licensure or state licensure only.

For more information regarding requirements for state licensure, please contact the specific state board.

Find State Board Contact Information

Credential Maintenance Program (CMP)

The BOC Credential Maintenance Program (CMP) allows practitioners in all areas of laboratory medicine to remain current in their respective disciplines and demonstrate their continued competence.

Time-Limited Certifications

  • Participation in the CMP is required for time-limited U.S. certifications to maintain valid certification (effective January 1, 2004 and/or January 1, 2006).
  • CMP is required for International ASCPi certified individuals (effective January 1, 2012).
  • Time-limited U.S. and International certificants must participate in CMP every three years to use the ASCP credential.
  • See requirements for specific credentials to identify your effective date.

Time-Limited Qualifications

  • All Qualifications are time limited and participation every three years is a requirement to maintain valid qualification.

Voluntary Participation

  • Practitioners certified prior to CMP effective dates may choose to participate in CMP to demonstrate their continued competency.
  • Voluntary CMP may also be renewed every three years in order to maintain the "CM" designation with a credential.

Stay Credentialed

Specific requirements for each certification and qualification are detailed in the Stay Credentialed section of the website under the Board of Certification. There you will find specific information to help you understand the process and the requirement to complete recertification or requalification.

Information provided includes:

  • Requirement for each credential
    • U.S. Certifications
    • International Certifications
    • Qualifications
  • General Information about the CMP process
    • What is CMP
    • How to Earn Points
    • How to Record Points
    • When to Submit Recertification / Requalification

Go to Stay Credentialed

Verification of Certification

The ASCP Board of Certification process verifies that job applicants and laboratory professionals have current, valid credentials.  This is an important step to prevent individuals from misrepresenting their professional certification status.

The online primary source verification process is used most often by employers, background search firms and individuals requesting verification to be forwarded to a 3rd party such as a state licensing board.  It confirms that new and current employees are properly credentialed to practice as laboratory professionals.

Verification Requests

Verification of Certification may be requested by:
  • An individual
  • An employer
  • Or a third party
Inquiries about an individual's certification status will be answered with the following information.
  • The certification category
  • Certification number
  • Validation period
  • Or if the certification cannot be verified

Verification of Certification

To find out more about Verification of Credentials or to proceed with placing an order, click on the button below.  

Go to Verify Credentials


ASCP BOC Board of Governors

The Board of Certification (BOC) Board of Governors (BOG) defines and governs the activities of the BOC, develops policies and fosters relationships with interested organizations.  All members share in a joint and collective authority to further the BOC mission to provide excellence in certification of laboratory professionals on behalf of patients worldwide.


Representatives to the BOC Board of Governors are nominated by one or more of the following organizations.

Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies (AABB)
American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC)
American Association of Pathologists' Assistants (AAPA)
Association of Genetic Technologists (AGT)
American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (ASCLS)
American Society of Cytopathology (ASC)
American Society of Hematology (ASH)
American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP)
American Society for Microbiology (ASM)
National Society for Histotechnology (NSH)

Time Commitment for Volunteers

  • The BOG holds two face-to-face meetings per year.
  • Representatives appointed as Examination Committee Liaisons and those elected to the BOG Executive Committee have additional meeting(s).

Composition of the BOG

Representative to the BOG are selected according to the guidelines below and all members serve a three year term renewable twice, for a maximum of nine years.

  • 5 ASCP Fellows
    (One Fellow with dual membership in ASH)
  • 5 ASCP Laboratory Professional Members
    (One Member with dual membership in AACC)
  • 4 Representatives of ASCLS
  • 2 Representatives of AGT
  • 1 Member from each Participating Society
    (AABB, AAPA, ASM, ASC, and NSH)
  • 1 Public Member

Chair, BOC Board of Governors


Executive Committee & BOG Members

BOG Committee Appointments Participation on the Board of Governors may include appointments to other BOC Committees, including:

  • Council of Committee Chairs
  • Credentials Maintenance
  • Editorial
  • Ethics Review
  • Examination Committee/Work Group
  • Examination Oversight
  • Executive
  • Finance
  • International Credentialing
  • Nominating
  • Policy and Procedure
  • Program Director's Advisory
  • Research and Development

Certification Examination Committees and Qualification Work Groups

Examination Committees and Work Groups are responsible for the development, maintenance and evaluation of test items, as well as setting the standards for examinations and performing job task analysis.  They are also responsible for reviewing exam eligibility requirements, exam content guidelines and topic outlines, and suggested reading lists for exam preparation.

Composition of Committees and Work Groups

All BOC Examination Committees and Work Groups consist of a majority of laboratory professionals and are representative of the laboratory team.  This includes medical laboratory scientists, medical laboratory technicians, supervisors, educators, and pathologists representing broad geographic regions of the United States and laboratory facilities of various types and sizes.  As vacancies in Exam Committees and Work Groups occur, volunteers with appropriate characteristics are sought to complement the existing composition and ensure a diverse membership.

Committee and Work Group Volunteer Opportunities

Examination Committees and Chairs

Blood Banking Examination Committee

Clinical Chemistry Examination Committee
Leslie Nakagawa, MLS(ASCP)CM

Cytogenetics Examination Committee
Shannon Gaskin, BS, CG(ASCP)CM

Cytology Examination Committee
Keisha Burnett, EdD, SCT(ASCP)CM

Cytometry Examination Committee

Hematology Examination Committee

Histotechnology Examination Committee
Jerry Santiago, PhD, MsED, HTL(ASCP)QIHCCM

Joint Generalist Examination Committee

Laboratory Management Examination Committee
Matthew (Matt) Lauterbach, MBA, MLS(ASCP)CMDLMCM

Medical Laboratory Assistant Examination Committee
Kathleen (Kathy) Finnegan, MS, MASCP, MLS(ASCP)SHCM

Medical Laboratory Immunology Examination Committee
Thomas S. Alexander, PhD, D(ABMLI)

Microbiology Examination Committee

Molecular Biology Examination Committee

Pathologists' Assistants Examination Committee
Daniel (Dan) Soderberg, MHS, PA(ASCP)CM

Phlebotomy Examination Committee
Laura Fuoco, PBT(ASCP)CM

Qualification Work Groups and Chairs

Apheresis Qualification Work Group
Joseph (Yossi) Schwartz, MD, MPH, QIACM

Biorepository Qualification Work Group
Kathy Mangold, PhD, HCLD, MB(ASCP)CM

Laboratory Safety Qualification Work Group
Daniel Scungio, MLS(ASCP)SLSCM, CQA(ASQ)

International Governance

Volunteer for Advisory Board Positions

As part of our efforts to contribute globally to the highest standards of patient safety, the ASCP Board of Certification (BOC) works to establish Advisory Boards in all countries requesting additional support and representation. International Advisory Board members are typically program directors of clinical laboratory educational programs, laboratory supervisors, and/or representatives from a country or region's clinical laboratory society.

Benefits of Being an Advisory Board Volunteer

  1. Challenges outside the realm of the everyday workplace.
  2. Networking opportunities from within your region and a worldwide consortium of laboratory professionals.
  3. Help your community while advancing your career. Advisory Board members will be awarded one (1) waived ASCP BOC application fee for the international certification examination of their choice.
  4. Continuing education. Advisory Board members are provided with a period of complimentary access to the available ASCP BOC online practice examinations.
  5. Help laboratory students through direct interaction.

Become an Advisory Board Member, ASCPi Ambassador, or ASCPi Regional Volunteer

To become a volunteer, interested applicants must:

  1. Have a familiarity with the country or region in which you would like to serve.
  2. Become thoroughly familiar with the mission and the goals of the BOC and international Certification Committee.
  3. Be prompt and reliable in reporting for scheduled work. Keep accurate records.
  4. Attend all required meetings.
  5. Carry out assignments in good spirit and seek assistance from BOC staff as necessary.
  6. Communicate personal limitations such as acceptable out-of-pocket costs, transportation needs, time constraints, etc.
  7. Provide feedback, suggestions, and recommendations to the BOC International Certification Committee and international staff on news and trends that may help promote the international credential.

To apply for a Volunteer position, submit your CV to:

Active Advisory Board Regions and Members

Asia Pacific
Latin America and Caribbean
Middle East

International Collaborating Societies

The International Collaborating Societies listing is the ASCP Board of Certification's (BOC's) recognition that a particular organization's goals align with those of the BOC. These organizations also officially recognize BOC international certification as an opportunity to improve clinical laboratory practice worldwide. By joining together with the BOC, these organizations enjoy greater access to BOC resources and become part of an International Consortium connecting them to laboratory professionals globally.

International Collaborating Societies - Current


Volunteer Opportunities

Certification Examination Committees and Qualification Work Groups

The important work of the Board of Certification can only be accomplished through the dedication and hard work of its valued volunteers.

To learn more about Examination Committees and Work Groups, please click here.

Responsibilities of Committee & Work Group Volunteers

Examination Committees and Work Groups are responsible for practice analyses, item development and evaluation, and maintenance of item banks. They:

  • Maintain item banks that are appropriate measures of knowledge and skills for various laboratory professionals.
  • Utilize practice analysis data to determine content of item banks.
  • Participate in the development and maintenance of item banks.
  • Develop and review the examination eligibility requirements, examination content guidelines / topic outlines and reading lists for possible revision.
  • Participate in all committee / work group meetings, conference calls and activities.

Time Commitment

  • Exam Committees meet face-to-face annually, in Chicago, or by conference call.
  • Work Groups meet face-to-face in Chicago every three years.
  • Exam Committees and Work Groups meet periodically by conference call during the year.
  • Exam Committee and Work Group volunteers work independently on assignments throughout the year.

Volunteer Selection

Volunteer opportunities for Exam Committees and Work Groups are available on a rolling basis. Volunteers have term limits and typically serve two three-year terms. When a position is open, volunteers are sought to fill the vacated committee seat. Exam Committee and Work Group composition is annually reviewed to determine what characteristics would best complement the existing membership. To ensure diversity among the committees, focus is placed on job/position title, type and size of facility, area of expertise, geographic region, etc.


Volunteers should reside within the United States, including Hawaii and Alaska, or Canada. Volunteers residing elsewhere may submit a completed application, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. All volunteers, regardless of location of residence, must meet at least one of the following criteria:

  1. Have a valid BOC credential and be active with the ASCP BOC Credential Maintenance Program.
  2. Be a member of a BOG sponsoring, participating, or collaborating society.
  3. Have special expertise as required by the committee or work group.

Get Involved!

The Board of Certification accepts volunteer applications throughout the year. If you do not see the position you are looking for, or if there are no current volunteer opportunities listed, please feel free to submit an application. All applications are reviewed by BOC staff and respective Exam Committees or Work Groups.

The Board of Certification is currently accepting volunteer applications for the 2025 committee and work group meetings. Please review the available vacancies listed below and submit your application by October 1, 2024 to be considered for a 2025 appointment. All volunteer applications submitted after October 1, 2024 will be considered for 2026 appointments.

Volunteer Now!

Apheresis Qualification Work Group:

0 vacancies

There are currently no volunteer openings available on the Apheresis Qualification Work Group.

Biorepository Qualification Work Group:

0 vacancies

There are currently no volunteer openings available on the Biorepository Qualification Work Group.

Blood Banking Examination Committee:

0 vacancies

There are currently no volunteer openings available on the Blood Banking Examination Committee.

Chemistry Examination Committee:

0 vacancy

There are currently no volunteer openings available on the Chemistry Examination Committee.

Cytogenetics Examination Committee:

0 vacancies

There are currently no volunteer openings available on the Cytogenetics Examination Committee.

Cytology Examination Committee:

0 vacancies

There are currently no volunteer openings available on the Cytology Examination Committee.

Cytometry Examination Committee:

0 vacancies

There are currently no volunteer openings available on the Cytometry Examination Committee.

Hematology Examination Committee:

0 vacancies

There are currently no volunteer openings available on the Hematology Examination Committee.

Histotechnology Examination Committee:

0 vacancies

There are currently no volunteer openings available on the Histotechnology Examination Committee.

Laboratory Management Examination Committee:

0 vacancies

There are currently no volunteer openings available on the Laboratory Management Examination Committee.

Laboratory Safety Qualification Work Group:

0 vacancies

There are currently no volunteer openings available on the Laboratory Safety Qualification Work Group.

Medical Laboratory Assistant Examination Committee:

0 vacancies

There are currently no volunteer openings available on the Medical Laboratory Assistant Examination Committee.

Microbiology Examination Committee:

0 vacancies

There are currently no volunteer openings available on the Microbiology Examination Committee.

Molecular Biology Examination Committee:

0 vacancies

There are currently no volunteer openings available on the Molecular Biology Examination Committee.

Pathologists’ Assistants Examination Committee:

0 vacancies

There are currently no volunteer openings available on the Pathologists’ Assistants Examination Committee.

Phlebotomy Examination Committee:

0 vacancies

There are currently no volunteer openings available on the Phlebotomy Examination Committee.

International Volunteer Opportunities

The BOC offers numerous different ways to serve as an international volunteer or advisory board member. We have advisory boards, ambassadors, and representatives in over 30 different countries across the world. As an international volunteer or advisory board member you can play a crucial role in our outreach efforts in Africa, Latin America, Asia, Europe and the Middle East.

Get Involved!

Check out International volunteer opportunities below.

Volunteer Now!


ASCP provides a variety of outlets for its members and others interested in affecting change in the field of pathology and laboratory medicine, promoting education, and influencing lawmakers.

Get Involved!

Check out ASCP volunteer opportunities below.

Volunteer Now!