News & Advocacy

Stay informed of the latest news and alerts critical to the industry, and the role you can play alongside ASCP to advocate for the best interest of both professionals and patients.

Healthcare & Laboratory News (members only)

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ASCP Files Amicus Brief Urging Court to Overturn FDA Final Rule on LDTs

ASCP and four medical specialty societies are bolstering a lawsuit to fight the FDA's claim to regulatory authority over LDTs.

Advocating for you

ASCP serves as an unrelenting advocate for pathologists, laboratory professionals, and patients alike, driving positive, impactful change that serves the best interest of our members as well as patient care.

“ASCP is committed to advancing the field of pathology in the science, technology and public policy arenas. Our advocacy work with both policymakers and non-governmental leaders is patient-centered and designed to advance our members' ability to improve quality health outcomes.”

Gregory N. Sossaman, MD, FASCP, Ochsner Health Systems, New Orleans, LA

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Advocacy News & Action Alerts

Woman in a lab with a microscope looking down at a slide

Stand up for YOUR Profession: Support Medicare Reform

ASCP is encouraging everyone, whether they are an ASCP member or not, to stand up for the laboratory profession by urging their members of Congress to fix the Medicare Physician and Clinical Laboratory Fee Schedules.

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