Upcoming Events

Check the calendar on the Chapter’s Community for chapter events -- see Community button below for access.

Great Plains Event

ASCP + CLMA Alignment

Learn more about ASCP and CLMA’s alignment and how the ASCP Chicago Chapter is supporting this alignment.


George Krempel, President

Elana Postawa, President-Elect

Abdel Abdelhadi, Past President

Laurie Gillard, Secretary

Angie Aranda, Treasurer

Susan Kretz, Board Director

Christine Hoang, Board Director

Brian Moseby, Board Member

Richa Bedi, Board Director

Carol LaPenta, Board Director

David Blaeske, Board Director

Nicholas Steder, Board Director

Chelsey Geurkink, Board Director

Connect with Us!

Visit the online ASCP Chicago Chapter Community to connect and learn more.

Questions about this chapter? Email us at  membership@ascp.org

Chicago (Headquarters)
33 West Monroe Street, Suite 1600, Chicago, IL 60603

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