NSCLC Online Resource Hub

Lung Cancer

Waiting for biomarker testing results or having inadequate patient samples delays treatment for patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). To ensure the right patients receive the right therapy at the right time, the turnaround time and accuracy of biomarker testing are key.

ASCP is committed to ensuring you have the resources, tools, and education you need to optimize the diagnosis, testing, and management of patients with NSCLC and ensure continuous quality improvement.

Engage with your Community! Network with your peers, take part in important discussions, and find supporting resources related to best practices in NSCLC biomarker testing on the NSCLC Online Resource Hub and Facebook group.


Current NSCLC Biomarker Testing Guidelines

This course focuses on biomarker testing guidelines and best practices for biomarker testing across stages of NSCLC.

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Equity of Biomarker Testing in NSCLC

This course focuses on equity in biomarker testing and the challenges to implementing biomarker testing in the clinical workflow.

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Optimizing Sample Sizes for NSCLC Biomarker Testing

This courses focuses on optimizing sample sizes for NSCLC biomarker testing and navigating common issues with specimens.

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Optimizing Testing in The Laboratory with A Special Focus on Antibody Validation

This course focuses on exploring emerging biomarkers and antibody validation methods.

View on YouTube

These courses are supported by an independent educational grant from AstraZeneca and Daiichi Sankyo.

NSCLC Best Practices from Experts and the Laboratory Community**

View video conference recordings and community-contributed examples of sample workflows and QI plans/processes related to non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). If you have sample workflows or QI plans/processes you would like to contribute, please send them to grants@ascp.org for consideration.

Session 1: Tissue Acquisition and Processing

Session 2: Ordering and Turnaround Time

Interactive Video Conference Series: LIS and EHR Implementation and Protocol Optimization for NSCLC Biomarker Testing

Access clips from the video conference on specific topics below:

Interactive Video Conference Series: Implementation of the CAP/IASLC/AMP 2018 NSCLC Molecular Testing Guidelines

Access clips from the video conference on specific topics below:

Interactive Video Conference Series: Actionable Results and Turnaround Time Indicators for NSCLC Workflows

Access clips from the video conference on specific topics below:

Interactive Video Conference Series: Standardizing Protocols for Optimal Procurement, Fixation, and Tissue/Cytology Specimen Handling for NSCLC

Access clips from the video conference on specific topics below:

View community-contributed examples of sample workflows and QI plans/processes below.

**This resource page was developed through a commercial sponsorship from Genentech.

Connect today with your local Genentech biomarker testing specialist at: biomarkertesting.com/contact. To learn more about Genentech, please visit gene.com.

ASCP does not share identifying information from the action plans with its sponsors.

Take Action

Access an action plan template to help you improve NSCLC biomarker testing processes and procedures, discuss best practices with peers in the ASCP NSCLC Biomarker Testing Facebook group, and share your input on biomarker testing challenges.

Access Action Plan

Additional NSCLC Resources

Access an extensive list of additional NSCLC resources covering topics including biomarker testing, preanalytic indicators, immunohistochemistry, next generation sequencing, liquid biopsy, targeted therapies, quality, reporting, and billing/reimbursement.

Acknowledgements and Commercial Support

This resource page was initially developed in collaboration with the Association of Community Cancer Centers (funded by an independent educational grant from Pfizer, Inc.), and further expanded upon through a commercial sponsorship from Genentech.

Connect today with your local Genentech biomarker testing specialist at: biomarkertesting.com/contact. To learn more about Genentech, please visit gene.com.

ASCP does not share identifying information from the action plans with its sponsors.