Resident Question Bank (RQB) Committee

The ASCP Resident Question Bank (RQB) Committee develops a study tool for pathology residents providing both residents and practicing pathologists with access to hundreds of case-based multiple choice questions, including images, educational feedback and references to self-assess their pathology competencies, skills, and knowledge.


  • ASCP Member in good standing
  • Complete annual CME Disclosure of Relevant Financial Relationships, Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality forms
  • Have expertise related to the module(s) they are developing
  • Create an objective self-assessment online practice tool/module(s) to help pathologists and residents identify performance and knowledge gaps to meet patient needs
  • Create/solicit a minimum of 10 questions per year, ideally 80% of which should be case based with 50% containing images.  Questions developed to test fundamental knowledge of current clinically validated, practice-related knowledge, information new (within the last 5-10 years) to the field, and practice environment topics
  • Serve on subcommittees as needed and/or desired
  • Meet deadlines defined by the Committee and/or Committee Chair

Time Commitment

  • Participate in continuous review of questions throughout the year
  • Participate in committee’s annual 2 day meeting to review, edit and select questions for their respective content areas
  • Participate in annual quality assurance review of the  Resident Question Bank in member's respective content area(s), usually in December prior to being published
  • Participate in conference calls as needed.

Committee Composition

  • Chair/ Co-Chair – Serves a 1 year term renewable up to 5 times
  • Members serve a  2 year term renewable up to 2 times for a maximum of 6 years
  • 30 - 35 members as a group representing pathology expertise in the following:
    • AP - Autopsy, Forensics, Bone/Soft Tissue, Breast, Cytopathology Gynecological and Non-Gynecological, Dermatopathology, Gastrointestinal/Liver, Genitourinary, Head and Neck, Medical Renal Pathology, Molecular Pathology Cancer and Cytogenetics, Neuropathology, Obstetrics-Gynecologic, Pediatric, and Thoracic Pathology.
    • CP - Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine, Coagulation, Hematology/Hematopathology, Bone Marrow, Lymph node/Spleen, Flow Cytometry, Microbiology, Chemistry/Immunopathology. 


  • Terms are typically from September 1-August 31

Meet the Resident Question Bank (RQB) Committee


Daniel Fajardo, MD, PhD, FASCP

Committee Members

Mahmut Akgul, MD

Erin G. Brooks, MD
Autopsy/Forensic Pathology

Hao Chen, MD, PhD

Jonathan Davick, MD
Pediatric Pathology

Sarah DePew, DO

Nicole Kandalaft De Simone, MD

Rebekah Dumm, PhD

Christof Erickson, MD

Laura Filkins, PhD, D(ABMM)

Lorenzo Gitto, MD
Autopsy/Forensic Pathology

Suntrea T.G. Hammer, MD
Gastrointestinal, Liver Pathology

Kenneth Hughes, MD

Judith Jebastin Thangaiah, MBBS, MD

Xiaobing Jin, MD, PhD

Jian Jing, MD, PhD

Sheng-Ying (Margaret) Lo, PhD, DABCC
Clinical Chemistry

Elena Lucas, MD

Anu Maharjan, PhD, DABCC
Clinical Chemistry

Jose G. Mantilla Arango, MD
Bone & Soft Tissue

Andrea McGonigle, MD
Transfusion Medicine

Zhen Mei, MD
Transfusion Medicine

Diana M. Morlote, MD
Molecular Pathology, Hematopathology

Andrea Moy, MD

Selvaraj Muthusamy, MD, PhD
Renal Pathology

Ifeyinwa E. Obiorah, MD, PhD

Suzanne Z. Powell, MD

Mobeen Rahman MD
Head & Neck

Cara Randall, MD

Aishwarya Ravindran, MD

Madhuchhanda Roy, MBBS, PhD

Nima Sharifai, MD, PhD
Gastrointestinal, Liver Pathology

Nirupama J. Singh, MBBS, MD
Molecular Pathology

John Walsh, MD
Autopsy/Forensic Pathology

Christopher Webb, MD

Min Yu, MD, PhD, DABCC
Clinical Chemistry

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