CheckPath Clinical Pathology (CP) Committee

The CheckPath Clinical Pathology (CP) Committee develops case challenges and interpretation/discussion write-ups for the annual educational activity offering.


  • Supply 5 cases per year in one of the following areas:
    • Body Fluids/Urinalysis
    • Clinical Chemistry
    • Forensic Pathology
    • Hematology/Coagulation
    • Transfusion Medicine/Blood Banking
    • Microbiology
    • Laboratory Management
  • Each case should include a patient history, digital images (if applicable), and any necessary laboratory data.
  • Author case interpretations, as assigned by the committee chair, for cases selected for publication in the program. 
  • Attend 1 face-to-face committee meeting per year, usually scheduled in conjunction with the annual ASCP Leadership Forum in the spring.
  • Participate in 4 (1hr) conference calls per year to evaluate the participants’ responses and to review the case discussions written for each case.

Time Commitment

  • 1 Face-to-face committee meeting (1 full day) per year
  • 4 (1hr) conference calls per year
  • Time involved in submitting new cases, authoring 2-3 case discussion/interpretation write-ups per year, and reviewing/editing all 21 cases (plus the 4th quarter comprehensive case) published

Committee Composition

  • Chair and 14 additional members (Includes 1 resident/fellow), practicing pathologists and laboratory professionals specializing in the following areas:
    • Body Fluids/Urinalysis
    • Clinical Chemistry
    • Forensic Pathology
    • Hematology/Coagulation
    • Transfusion Medicine/Blood Banking
    • Microbiology
    • Laboratory Management


  • Chair: One (1) year term, renewable as many as five (5) times for a total of six (6) years
  • Members: Two (2) year terms, renewable twice for a total of six (6) years
  • Resident/Fellow: One (1) year term, renewable as many as two (2) times for a total of three (3) years 
  • Terms are typically from November 1-October 31.

Meet the CheckPath Clinical Pathology (CP) Committee


Owen Middleton, MD, FASCP

Committee Members

Cassie Boggs, MD, D-ABPath
Forensic Pathology

Adewole Adenirnan, MD, FASCP
Body Fluids/Cyto

Maria E. Navas, MD

Caitlin Schein, MD, FASCP
Clinical Chemistry

Jeannie Muir, MD, FASCP
Bod Fluids/Hematology

Ifra Badar, MD
Lab Management/Hematology

Aaron K. Odegard, MS
Microbiology/Molecular Dx

Mohsin Jamal, MD
Lab Management/ Molecular Dx

Shiyong Li, MD, FASCP

Michael DeVan, MD, MS
Transfusion Medicine

Saja Asakrah, MD

Paul R. Nelson, MS, MLS
Laboratory Management

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