Resident In-Service Examination (RISE) Committee

The ASCP Resident In-Service Examination Committee develops in-service examinations for residents/fellows and their respective programs to assess their progress in the area of medical knowledge. The committee creates the Resident In-Service Examination (RISE), RISE-FIRST In-Service Examination, Fellow Forensic In-Service Examination (FISE), Fellow In-Service Hematopathology Examination (FISHE), Fellow Neuropathology In-Service Examination (NPISE), Pediatric Pathology In-Service Examination (PISE), and Transfusion Medicine In-Service Examination (TMISE).


  • ASCP Member in good standing
  • Complete annual Conflict of Interest and Confidentiality forms
  • Have expertise correlating to the examination(s) they are developing
  • Submit questions in their area of expertise (including images when possible) and to recruit colleagues to submit questions prior to annual committee face to face meeting
  • Serve on subcommittees as needed and/or desired
  • Meet deadlines defined by the Committee and/or Committee Chair

Time Commitment

  • Participate in continuous review of questions throughout the year
  • Attend committee’s annual 2 day face to face meeting (usually in Chicago) to review, edit and select questions for the In-Service Examinations.
  • Participate in quality assurance reviews of the online In-Service Examinations
  • Participate in a post-examination evaluation of questions with anomalies
  • Participate in calls as needed

Committee Composition

  • Chair/ Co-Chair – Serves a 1 year term renewable up to 5 times
  • Members serve a  2 year term renewable up to 2 times for a maximum of 6 years
  • 38-42 members as a group representing pathology expertise in the following:
    • General Surgical Pathology, Autopsy, Forensics, Cytopathology, and Surgical 
    • Pathology
    • Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine, Coagulation, Hematology/Hematopathology
    • Microbiology, Chemistry/Immunopathology
    • Special Topics including Laboratory Administration, Pathology Informatics, Molecular, and Genomic Pathology 
    • Neuropathology
    • Pediatric Pathology 


  • Terms are typically from November 1-October 31

Meet the Resident In-Service Examination (RISE) Committee


Kimberly W. Sanford, MD, MASCP, MLS(ASCP), FASCP

Kimberly Sanford

Committee Members

Jared Ahrendsen, MD, PhD, FASCP

Nika Aljinovic, MD, FASCP
Forensic Pathology

Nicole Andeen, MD, FASCP
RISE-FIRST (Anatomic Pathology)

Manju Aron, MBBS, MD (ADASP Liaison)
Surgical Pathology

Nicole Arva, MD, PhD, FASCP
Pediatric Pathology

Alexandra Bryson, PhD, D(ABMM)

Bonnie Choy, MD, FASCP

Kyle S. Conway, MD, JD, FASCP

Marc Couturier, PhD, D(ABMM)

Ashley Cunningham, MD, FASCP

Danielle Fortuna, MD, FASCP
Surgical Pathology

Emily Glynn, MD, FASCP
RISE FIRST (Anatomic Pathology)

Amit Gokhale, MD, FASCP
RISE FIRST (Clinical Pathology)

Amer Heider, MD, FASCP
Pediatric Pathology

Kammi Henriksen, MD
RISE-FIRST (Anatomic Pathology)

Adriana Zara Herskovits, MD, PhD, FASCP
Clinical Chemistry

Erin Horstman, MD, FASCP
Transfusion Medicine

Lisa Johnson PhD, DABCC
Clinical Chemistry

Justin D. Kreuter, MD, FASCP
Transfusion Medicine

William D. Lainhart, PhD, D(ABMM)


David Manthei, MD, PhD, FASCP
RISE FIRST (Clinical Pathology)

Emily Mason, MD, PhD , FASCP

Carrie Mohila, MD, PhD, FASCP

Nathan Montgomery, MD, PhD, FASCP

Elizabeth Morency, MD, FASCP

Claudio Mosse, MD, PhD, FASCP
Lab Administration

Stacey S. O'Neill, MD, PhD, FASCP
Molecular Pathology

Bijal Parikh, MD, PhD, FASCP
Molecular Pathology

Olga Pozdnyakova MD, PhD (SH Liaison), FASCP
Hematopathology (SH Liaison)

Lori A. Proe, DO, FASCP
Forensic Pathology

Henry M. Rinder, MD, FASCP Consultant
Lab Administration

Fred H. Rodriguez, MD, MASCP Consultant
Lab Administration

Joseph Rudolf, MD, FASCP
Pathology Informatics

Lauren Schwartz, MD, FASCP
Surgical Pathology

Alexa Siddon, MD, FASCP

Yvette Tanhehco, MD, PhD, FASCP
Transfusion Medicine

Timothy L. Williams, MD, FASCP
Forensic Pathology

Kristy L. Wolniak, MD, PhD, FASCP

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