ASCP is proud to help empower pathologists and laboratory professionals to reduce waste in the healthcare system. As one of 70 medical societies that took part in the former Choosing Wisely campaign, ASCP continues to represent pathology and laboratory medicine's efforts in effective test utilization. Our goal is to identify the right test at the right time for the right cost to better serve our patients.
ASCP compiled the most relevant testing questions and protocol improvements developed by the Choosing Wisely community to develop a reference guide of Effective Test Utilization Recommendations. These recommendations help pathologists and laboratory professionals make decisions about appropriate testing and patient care.
Created by the ABIM Foundation, the Choosing Wisely campaign has helped reduce waste in the healthcare system by decreasing the use of unnecessary tests and treatments. With the Choosing Wisely initiative now over, ASCP’s test utilization initiatives will be folded into the work of its Quality and Patient Safety Steering Committee.
Campaign exposure and recommendations from participating societies resulted in nearly 300 journal articles and more than 10,000 media articles since its inception in 2012.