Cultivating the pathology and laboratory medicine workforce is one of the main patient-centered public policy priorities of ASCP. The ASCP Institute for Science, Technology and Policy (ISTP) continues to support the field’s professional recognition, scope of practice, and clinical empowerment through workforce studies and advocacy activities.
As part of our workforce initiatives, ASCP conducts biennial wage and vacancy surveys for our industry, along with a sweeping survey on job satisfaction and burnout in the profession.
ASCP's Laboratory Workforce Steering Committee focuses on promoting the laboratory profession through initiatives that will increase the availability of clinical laboratory workforce supply and strengthen the pathways into and among these careers long into the future.
“The issues confronting the workforce that have led to the shortages we are seeing today are complex and deep-seated within the medical laboratory profession. Real success will be gained by tackling the deeper issues such as improving the visibility of the laboratory professions so that young people know it as a career option.”
Susan Harrington, PhD, D(ABBM), MLS(ASCP)CM
Chair, ASCP Laboratory Workforce Steering Committee
Inspire the
next generation
ASCP has and built a network of 1,000+ volunteer ambassadors and developed extensive digital and physical resources, all focused on promoting exciting careers in the laboratory to students from elementary school upwards. Learn how you can get involved and make a difference for the future of your profession.