Governors, State Health Directors Hear from ASCP BOC about COVID-19 Response

May 08, 2020

Governors and state health directors have been hearing from the ASCP Board of Certification (BOC) Board of Governors (BOG) about state response efforts to COVID-19. The ASCP BOC BOG wrote all 50 state governors last week to raise awareness about the important role that laboratory testing and laboratory professionals play in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In a letter to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, the ASCP BOC BOG wrote that “Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, Chair of the National Governors Association, acknowledged the importance of [laboratory] testing when he said, ‘Without the tests we really are flying blind, we're sort of guessing about where the outbreaks are and what the infection rate and the hospitalization rates are. No state has enough testing,’ he commented.” The letter urged that as state governments take efforts to ensure the robustness of their healthcare work forces that these efforts, such as making adjustment to licensure requirements and other state benefits or requirements, also factor in laboratory professionals. A copy of one of the state letters is available here.

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