Reverse the Medicare Cut

February 06, 2024

ASCP, the American Medical Association (AMA), and more than 100 other medical specialty societies continue to press Congress to reverse the 3.4-percent cut in the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) for 2024. The effort is part of a coordinated advocacy campaign being led by the AMA to reform the budget neutrality policies of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

ASCP believes there is reason to be hopeful that Congress will reverse this cut. In December, more than 200 members of Congress sent a letter to Senate and House leaders urging them to reverse the cut. That letter cited the lack of an inflationary update for the PFS as the primary driver of these annual cuts.

To ensure the success of this campaign, ASCP is urging all of its members, BOC credential holders, and others to use the AMA's Fix Medicare Now website (even if you aren’t an AMA member or physician) to urge Congress to fix this problem.

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