OneLab Summit Seeks to Improve Coordination of Preparedness Before a Public Health Crisis

March 06, 2024

Mark your calendars for April 16-18 and plan to attend the OneLab Summit, a free, virtual event hosted by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Division of Laboratory Systems. The event, open to laboratory educators, trainers, and members of the laboratory community, connects laboratory professionals in real time to support a unified response to laboratory education and training needs.  Online registration is available here.

This meeting, an activity of the CDC OneLab™ initiative, is designed to help eliminate silos between the clinical and public health laboratory communities. The ultimate goal is to improve coordination of preparedness efforts in the event of a public health emergency.

Summit attendees will increase their knowledge of laboratory training development tools and practices available in the CDC’s new learning management system, OneLab REACH™, gain insights from the laboratory community to build workforce resilience, and collaborate with the CDC and laboratory education peers that compose the greater OneLab Network. The Summit will feature a virtual exhibit hall, showcasing laboratory workforce-related programs across different organizations.

ASCP, as a cooperative agreement partner to CDC’s Division of Laboratory Systems, actively promotes engagement in the OneLab Initiative and has launched several targeted training resources to address laboratory workforce training gaps. These resources have been made freely available through the cooperative agreement and are available on ASCP’s grant website here. All members of the clinical laboratory community, especially those engaged in clinical laboratory education, are encouraged to attend the CDC OneLab Summit.

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