Prevalence Of Transgender-Related Diagnosis Codes Increased Nearly Ninefold In US From 2014 To 2021, With Significant Increases In HIV Testing, PrEP Prescriptions, Data Show

December 19, 2023

Healio (12/18, Rhoades) reports, “The prevalence of transgender-related diagnosis codes in the United States increased nearly ninefold from 2014 to 2021, with significant increases in HIV testing and pre-exposure prophylaxis prescriptions in this population, data show.” Nonetheless, “researchers pointed out that PrEP use has been low among transgender people, despite them comprising 2% of new HIV cases in 2019, according to CDC data.” As a result, “‘it is important to monitor the use of HIV prevention services, including PrEP, by transgender persons,’ they wrote in Annals of Internal Medicine.”