High Levels Of Tau And P-Tau181 In CSF Predicted Faster Motor, Cognitive Decline In People With Early-Stage Parkinson’s Disease Who Had Yet To Be Treated, Study Finds

January 03, 2025

Parkinson’s News Today (1/2, Bryson) reports, “In people with early-stage Parkinson’s disease who had yet to be treated, high levels of the proteins tau and P-tau181 in the cerebrospinal fluid, or CSF...predicted faster motor and cognitive decline, per a new study with eight years of follow-up.” Parkinson’s News Today adds, “According to the researchers, the ‘results demonstrated that P-tau181 and [tau] had significant impact on longitudinal cognitive changes’ among these” patients with Parkinson’s disease. Additionally, “these findings ‘aligned with the results of longitudinal studies [showing] that tau plays [a] part in cognitive decrease’ in people with early Parkinson’s, the team wrote.” The findings were published in the Journal of Neurology.