HHS Seeks ASCP Input on Surprise Billing

March 19, 2019

On March 12, representatives from ASCP’s Institute for Science, Technology and Public Policy met with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to discuss the patient impact of surprise billing and how this issue affects pathologists. HHS staff, including Secretary Azar’s Senior Advisor for Health Reform, reached out to ASCP for our unique, patient-centric perspective on this issue. ASCP has been supportive of state pathology society efforts to address the issue and lauds the President’s recent focus on a federal solution.  

For some time, ASCP has been working on the issue of surprise billing, wherein a patient may receive a bill for an episode of care or service they believed to be in-network and therefore covered by their insurance, but was in fact out-of-network. Last month, ASCP joined many other specialty societies in signing a letter put forth by the American Medical Association that urges Congress to act on behalf of patients. The issue has also recently gained traction at the federal and state levels. ASCP is proud to support the Administration’s efforts to put forth a national solution that protects patients while adequately reimbursing pathologists and other physicians.

ASCP will continue to monitor developments around this important issue as they arise.