ASCP 2024 Effective Test Utilization Best Practice Recommendations Now Available

October 03, 2024

ASCP is pleased to announce that its 2024 Effective Test Utilization (ETU) Best Practice Recommendations are now available. The list of six recommendations was curated by member experts of the ETU subgroup, part of the ASCP Quality and Patient Safety Steering Committee, from the many submissions we received -- including some from our colleagues at the American Society for Microbiology (ASM). The recommendations were reviewed and vetted by ASCP member experts and where appropriate, colleagues from sister societies such as the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG).

As in years past, the tests selected for this list were those that:

  • Are frequently performed
  • There is evidence that the test either offers no benefit or is harmful (either entirely or in specific clinical situations)
  • The test is costly, and it does not provide higher quality patient care
  • Eliminating the test or changing to another test is within the control of the clinician

By implementing these and other ETU best practices in the laboratory, we strive to see higher quality care, lower costs, and a more effective use of laboratory resources and personnel. Please share this list widely to raise awareness about effective test utilization best practices in the laboratory that impact the entire spectrum of patient care. ASCP continues to champion efforts to bring the right test to the right patient, at the right time. For more information and resources, please visit the ASCP Effective Test Utilization webpage.

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